Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ziarah pusara

- disunatkn bwuduk tlbh dahulu
- memakai pakaian yg menutup aurat
- sblm memasuki kaw. pkuburan, ucapknlah doa;

"Assalamualaikum wahai tempat tinggal org yg beriman muslimin dan mukminin. Sesungguhnya in sha Allah kami akn menyusuli kamu. Semoga Allah mberikn kt semua keselamatan."

- mhdp ke kubur sewaktu mberi salam.
- mhdp kiblat ketika bdoa
- tidak duduk di ats kubur
- dibolehkn bziarah dgn cara bdiri, duduk atau sekadar melalui shj
- mdktkn diri kpd org yg diziarahi. Maksudnya ziarah ke kubur hakikatnya adalah mdtgi org yg diziarahi, sbgmn lazimnya di dunia.
- mberi salam ktk mahu beredar.
- mbaca al-Quran/ surah Yaasin utk dihadiahkn kpd arwah
- mbaca zikir, selawat, tasbih, tahmid dan tahlil spy mudah2an pahala bacaan itu sampai kpd roh arwah.

Bondaku sayang

Alhamdulillah...terima kasih Ya Rahman Ya Rahim kerana mengurniakan kepadaku seorang ibu yang hebat yang sanggup bertarung nyawa untuk melahirkanku ke dunia yang fana ini.

Aku bermohon kepadaMu Ya Rabb agar meringankan beban yang ditanggung oleh bondaku yg tercinta. Tidak termampu untuk diriku melihat kesedihan yg tpancar di wajahnya. Walaupun tidak mampu untuk bondaku meluahkan kepada kami anak2 nya, namun aku tetap yakin dan percaya, Engkau Maha Mendengar segala rintihan hati nuraninya.

Permudahkan perjalanan hidup yang perlu bonda harungi di kala arwah ayahanda telah Engkau jemput kembali kepadaMu. Rawatlah rasa rindu dalam dirinya terhadap arwah suaminya yang tercinta dengan menyalurkan rasa rindu yang hakiki kepadaMu.

Maafkanlah diriku wahai bondaku yg tercinta kerana sering membuatkan hatimu gundah gelana dan terguris dgn segala tingkahlaku dan tutur bahasaku yang kurang ajar. Halalkan setiap titisan air susu yang aku minum, di mana dengannya aku mendapat tenaga untuk meneruskan perjalanan hidup yg baru berada di garisan permulaan. Tiada tandingan kasih, sayang dan cintamu di dunia ini, wahai bonda.

Ampunilah dosaku Ya Allah, diri ini sering lalai dan alpa dalam mendoakan kesejahteraan ayah dan bondaku. Diri ini hanya memikirkan masalah yg dihadapi yg hanyalah secebis cuma dari permasalahan hidup yg perlu ayah dan bonda tanggung dari semenjak aku kecil hinggalah aku dewasa kini. Tiada apa yang mampu aku hadiahkan untuk ayah dan bonda, hanyalah doa yang mampu kupanjatkan ke hadratMu Ya Allah agar mengampunkan segala dosa dan kesalahan yg mereka telah lakukan. Tunjukkanlah kami semua jalanMu yg lurus. KepadaMu Ya Rabb kami berserah diri dan kepadaMu kami memohon pertolongan. Tolonglah dan bantulah kami Ya Allah....Ringankanlah beban yang ditanggung oleh bondaku Ya Allah dengan rasa lapang di dalam dada dan badan yg ringan menghadapinya.

Terima kasih Ya Allah kerana mengurniakan diri ini ayah dan bonda, Ismail dan Jamilah yang tulus ikhlas dalam mendidik dan mengajarku menjadi seorang insan yang mengenaliMu Ya Allah.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Doa buat ayahbonda

Dgn nama Allah Yg Maha Pemurah lg Maha Mengasihani.

Sgl puji bg Allah, yg tlh memerintahkn kami agar bterima kasih kpd kedua ibu bapa kami dan bbuat baik kpd mereka. Mgesa kami spy merebut peluang bbakti kpd mereka, bsungguh2 melakukn kebajikn kpd mereka. Mgalakkn kami spy merendahkn diri mhormati mereka dr krn kasih kpd mereka sbg phormatan utk mereka. Mewasiatkn kami spy mengasihi mereka sbgmn mereka telah memelihara dan mdidik kami semasa kecil.

Ya Allah! Rahmatilah kedua ibu bapa kami (3x),
dan ampunilah dosa mereka. Redhailah mereka dgn keredhaan yg melayakkn mereka mdpt sgl keredhaanMu. Dgnnya, Engkau meletakkn mereka di dlm negara kemuliaanMu, keamananMu, kemaafanMu dan keampunanMu. Dgnnya, Engkau lindungi mereka dgn kelembutn kebaiknMu dan ihsanMu.

Ya Allah! Ampunilah mereka dgn sesempurna keampunan yg dgnnya Engkau hapuskn dosa2 mereka yg tdahulu dan kejahatan yg mereka lakukn scr bterusan. Rahmatilah mereka dgn rahmatMu yg dgnnya Engkau menyinari tempat pbaringn mereka di dlm kubur, Engkau amankn mereka pd hari Kiamat ktk mereka dibangkitkn dr kubur mereka.

Ya Allah! Kasihanilah di ats kelemahan mereka sbgmn mereka tlh mengasihani kami ktk kami lemah, rahmatilah mereka ktk mereka tlalai drpd mengingatiMu, sbgmn mereka tetap mengasihani kami ktk kami melupai mereka dan kasihilah mereka sbgmn mereka tlh mengasihi kami sms kami masih kecil.

Ya Allah! Peliharalah bg mereka kasih syg yg tlh Engkau curahkn di dlm hati mereka, belas kasihan yg tlh Engkau penuhi hati mereka, dan kelembutan yg tlh Engkau sibukkn ke ats anggota mereka. Balasilah pengorbanan dan mujahadah yg tlh mereka korbankn utk kami dan jgnlah Engkau psia2kn kesungguhan mereka yg tlh mereka lakukn utk kami. Berilah mereka ganjaran pahala di ats usaha yg tlh mereka berikn kpd kami, dan peliharaan yg tlh mereka laksanakn, dgn sebaik2 ganjaran yg Engkau berikn kpd org2 yg berusaha melakukn kebaikn dan pemeliharaan yg ikhlas.

Ya Allah! Jadikanlah kami penyejuk mata hati mereka pd hari penyaksian (kiamat), pdgrknlah kpd mereka sebaik2 seruan drpd kami pd hari kiamat. Jadiknlah mereka disbbkn kami dr kalangan ibu bapa yg dicemburui dsbbkn anak2 mereka yg soleh, sehingga Engkau mengumpulkn kami dan mereka serta sekalian kaum muslimin di negara kemuliaanMu (syurga), di tempat penetapan rahmatMu dan tempat auliya kekasihMu bsama org2 yg telah dikurniakn nikmat oleh Allah kpd mereka di kalangan nabi2, org2 siddiqin, org2 yg syahid n org2 yg soleh. Dan amat eloklah mereka itu mjdi teman rakan kpd org2 yg taat. Yg demikian, adalah kurniaan drpd Allah dan cukuplah Allah Yg Maha Mengetahui.

Maha Suci Tuhan yg mpunyai ketinggian dr apa yg mereka sifatkn. Salam sejahtera ke ats para Rasul. Sgl puji bg Allah Tuhan sekalian alam. Semoga Allah melimpahkn rahmat n kesejahteraan ke ats penghulu kami Muhammad, Nabi yg Ummi dan ke ats ahli keluarganya serta sahabatnya dgn kesejahteraan yg melimpah ruah.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Hypoxic Events

DO depletion in coastal and estuarine waters is a growing global concern. Bottom water DO concentrations are near zero under anoxic conditions, whereas they are < 2.0mg/l under hypoxic conditions.

The incidence of anoxic and hypoxic events is a suggested water quality indicator in the ANZECC/ ARMCANZ water quality guidelines....
and was adopted as an indicator of ecosystem integrity during the National Land and Water Resources Audit.


Anoxic and hypoxic events are caused by the decomposition of organic matter by oxygen utilising bacteria. In mny cases, anoxia and hypoxia result from eutrophication (e.g. enhanced sedimentation of POM to bottom waters) and reflect the underlying problem of excessive nutrient loads.

Some P.S. of nutrients to coastal waterways are coastal discharges, including outfalls from industry, wastes from aquaculture operations and sewage discharged from yachts, boats and ships. The risk imposed by P.S of nutrient in coastal waterways is higher in areas with large population densities or with a significant tourism, and can be estimated by the number of P.S per unit unit area of coastline. N.P.S of nutrients from intensive agricultural in catchment and urban stormwater are often larger and more difficult to control.

Rainfall following the dry season in tropical regions can also mobilise organic rich detritus (e.g rotting weeds, grasses, cane trash and stormwater trash) into coastal waters and these can have a very high biological oxygen demand.


Severe DO depletion in the coastal zone is usually associated with density stratification in wave dominated coastal systems (e.g. deltas, estuaries, and strainplains and coastal lagoons) characterised by low levels of tidal mixing, and subject to elevated nutrient loads.

Density stratification occurs when freshwater flows seaward over denser and more saline marine water, and us therefore intensified after periods of heavy rainfall.

Tenperature stratification can also occur - most commonly in systems such as coastal lagoons and strandplains - and results from solar warming of surface waters.

In both cases, stratification restricts vertical mixing and therefore the replenishment of bottom water with oxygen derived from the atmosphere. Severe oxygen depletion is not likely to be a significant issue in tide dominated coastal systems (e.g. deltas, estuaries and tidal creeks), because tidal mixing reduces the potential for stratification.


A reduction in DO concentrations is amongst the most important effects of eutrophication on aquatic organisms. Hypoxia can cause direct mortality, reduced growth rates and altered behaviour and distributions of fish and other organisms. In addition, bottom water hypoxia can interact with elevated water temperatures at the surface to produce a temperature-oxygen squeeze effect, which can greatly reduce the amount of summer habitat available for some species. Eggs and larvae of fish may be particularly susceptible to this effect because these life history stages are less able to avoid unfavourable conditions, and because they live in near shore areas, such as estuaries, where too high water temperature and too low oxygen conditions often occur. Changes in fish assemblages and crustaceans in response to hypoxia and anoxia can render these organisms more susceptible to fishing pressure, and can increase the abundance of non-targeted species in by catch.

DO status also influences the uptake or release of nutrients from sediment. When oxygen is depleted, the nitrification pathway is blocked, and denitrification efficiencies may be lowered. As a consequence, more nutrients (e.g. nitrogen and phosphorus) are released from the sediment in bio-available forms. These nutrients help to sustain algal blooms, and therefore continue the supply organic matter to the sediments. With organic matter (energy) diverted from invertebrate consumption to microbial decomposition, the natural pattern of energy flow is altered, and pelagic and opportunistic species are favoured. Indeed, an increased ratio of planktivore: demersal fish biomass is an important effect of eutrophication. Low bottom water oxygen concentrations are also conducive to the build up of toxic compounds such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia gas, which can also be harmful to benthic organisms and fish. Even short lived anoxic events can cause the mass mortality of fish and benthic organisms.

Overall, anoxic and hypoxic events can cause large reductions in abundance, diversity and harvest of fish in affected waters, and can contribute to an overall loss of bio-diversity. However, the extent to which bottom water anoxia causes declines in overall fish production depends on a balanced between the negative and positive and effects of eutrophication in the full spectrum of habitats within the system.


Anoxic and hypoxic events are often recognised by the deleterious effects they have on aquatic ecosystems (e.g. fish kills). As such, by the time such events are detected, substantial damage may have already occured to the ecosystem. Ideally, the spatial and temporal extent of anoxia, the response of benthic communities and impacts on fisheries stocks should be documented. Biological and chemical indices from dated sediment records are useful for documenting changes in the magnitude and frequency of oxygen stress over time, and as to whether such changes result from human or natural causes.

Major research institutions, universities and goverment agencies gather oxygen data for specific research studies.