Saturday, March 5, 2011


Allah created Different Types of Water

He has let free the two bodies of flowing water, meeting together (QS.55:19)

Ayat-ayat ini menerangkan bahwa Allah mengalirkan air yang masin dari air yang tawar berdekatan yang kemudian berkumpul menjadi satu, masing-masing tidak mempengaruhi yang lain, yang masin tidak mempengaruhi yang tawar sehingga yang tawar menjadi masin dan yang tawar tidak mempengaruhi yang masin sehingga menjadi tawar.

Allah telah membatasi di antara keduanya dengan batas yang telah diciptakan Nya dengan kekuasaan Nya atau dibatasinya dengan batas yang berupa tanah.
Hal itu dapat dilihat seperti sungai-sungai yang mengalir dari gunung-gunung yang akhirnya masuk ke dalam laut dan tetap masin dan air sungainya tetap tawar.

Terusan Suez dan terusan Panama yang dibatasi oleh tanah. maka setelah digali untuk kepentingan lalu lintas kapal-kapal, kedua laut itu bertemu, bertautan yang satu dengan yang lain.
It is He Who has let free the two bodies of flowing water. One palatable and sweet, and the other salt and bitter; yet has He made a barrier between them, a partition that is forbidden to be passed.(QS.25:53)

In the world taken as a whole, there are two bodies of water, viz.,
(1) the great salt Ocean, and
(2) the bodies of sweet water fed by rain, whether they are rivers, lakes, or underground springs: their source in rain makes them one, and their drainage, whether above ground or underground, eventually to the Ocean, also makes them one.

They are free to mingle, and in a sense they do mingle, for there is a regular water-cycle:

and the rivers flow constantly to the sea, and tidal rivers get sea water for several miles up their estuaries at high tide.
Yet in spite of all this, the laws of gravitation are like a barrier or partition set by Allah, by which the two bodies of water as a whole are always kept apart and distinct.

In the case of rivers carrying large quantities of water to the sea, like the Mississippi or the Yangtse-Kiang, the river water with its silt remains distinct from sea water for a long distance out to sea.
But the wonderful Sign is that the two bodies of water, though they pass through each other, remain distinct bodies, with their distinct functions.

In Allah's overall scheme of things, bodies of salt and sweet water, which are adjoining and yet separate, have significant functions.
Weaving a harmonious fabric out of these different fibres shows both Allah's power and wisdom.

Incidentally, this verse points to a fact which has only recently been discovered by science. This fact relates to the oceans of the world: they meet and yet each remains separate for Allah has placed "a barrier, a partition" between them.

Between them is a Barrier which they do not transgress: (QS.55:20)

meaning, He has placed a barrier of land between these two types of waters, so that they do not transgress upon each other, which would spoil the characteristics they were created with.

Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny? (QS.55: 21)

Pada ayat ini Allah SWT menentang jin dan manusia agar mengemukakan suatu nikmat yang tidak berasal daripada Nya.
Cubalah mereka membayangkan air yang masin mempengaruhi yang tawar sehingga menjadi masin pula, maka tentu tidak akan ada air yang dapat diminum manusia dan binatang, tidak ada air untuk menyirami tumbuh-tumbuhan sehingga tumbuh-tumbuhan itu mati, manusia dan binatang pun mati kehausan dan kelaparan.

Out of them come Pearls and Coral.(QS.55:22)

Ayat ini menerangkan bahwa di dalam laut itu terdapat barang-barang yang sangat berharga, misalnya mutiara dan marjan dari laut yang masin dan tawar.
Marjan artinya batu yang berwarna merah atau yang dimaksud adalah mutiara yang kecil.

Pearls are well-known.
As for Marjan they say it means small pearls.
Mujahid, Qatadah, Abu Ruzayn, Ad-Dahhak said it, and it has also been reported from `Ali. It was also said that it means large, precious pearls, this was mentioned by Ibn Jarir from some of the Salaf.
Ibn Abi Hatim recorded from Ibn `Abbas who said, "When it rains, the oysters in the sea open their mouths. What falls in them, the drops, turns into pearls.'' Its chain of narrators is Sahih.


Pearls are produced by the oyster and coral by the polyp, a minute marine creature which, working in millions, has by its secretions produced the reefs, islands, and banks in and on both sides of the Red Sea and in other parts of the world.

The pearl has a translucent lustre, usually white, but sometimes pink or black.
Coral is usually opaque, red or pink, but often white, and is seen in beautiful branching or cup-like shapes as visitors to Port Sudan will recall.
Both are used as gems and stand here for gems generally.
Mineral gems, such as agate and cornelian, are found in river-beds.
Pearl oysters are also found in some rivers.
Taken allegorically, the two kinds of gems would denote the jewels of this life and the jewels of the spiritual world.
The jewels of this world—like coral—are hard, widely spread over the world, comparatively cheap, and less absorptive of the light from above.
The spiritual jewels—like pearls—are soft, rare, costly, and translucent, absorbent of light and showing the more lustre the more they are in light.


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