Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Salam Mahabbah Fillah 20 Rejab 1437H.. Hari KHAMIS yang ceria dan penuh kasih sayangNYA. Selangit Kasih, Segunung Sayang, Selaut Cinta di Muara RINDU buat sahabat fillah HATI EMAS yang dicintai kerana ALLAH.

Dengan lafaz BISMILLAH..lakaran Warkah Pengikat HATI EMAS ini dimulakan..buat peringatan diri yang serba kekhilafan ini.

ALHAMDULILLAH.. Terima kasih Ya ALLAH atas nikmat Ihsan, Iman dan Islam anugerah teragungMU Ya ALLAH..

Puji dan puja kepada ALLAH SWT, TUHAN pemilik kata-kata yang benar, indah dan tersusun. Selawat dan salam kepada Nabi MUHAMMAD SAW yang apabila berkata-kata bukan daripada nafsu tetapi segala-galanya berpandukan wahyu. Lalu, kata-katanya sentiasa singkat dan tepat.

Forgive me and have mercy upon me
I'm nothing
I'm no one
I'm alone
I've never been strong
I can't even S.M.I.L.E.

It is YOU Who gives me strength and courage
Through my toughest and hardest day
To keep going and never stop pedalling
Even it is always hurt to walk this journey all by myself

I'll keep going as long as..
YOU be with me all the time
I always know that..
YOU will always there..
for M.E.

ALLAH will never leave my side..



Dari Dapur Hazwani AKJ

* Egg + Tuna Sandwich
* Tuna Sandwich
*Egg Sandwich
*Diet Sandwich Club
* Chicken Roti John
* Beef Roti John

#ALHAMDULILLAH.. Allah Tempat Meminta.. 20-07-1437H | 28-04-2016M 10:01 KHAMIS

Monday, April 25, 2016


Salam Mahabbah Fillah 18 Rejab 1437H.. Hari SELASA yang ceria dan penuh kasih sayangNYA. Selangit Kasih, Segunung Sayang, Selaut Cinta di Muara RINDU buat sahabat fillah HATI EMAS yang dicintai kerana ALLAH.

Dengan lafaz BISMILLAH..lakaran Warkah Pengikat HATI EMAS ini dimulakan..buat peringatan diri yang serba kekhilafan ini.

ALHAMDULILLAH.. Terima kasih Ya ALLAH atas nikmat Ihsan, Iman dan Islam anugerah teragungMU Ya ALLAH..

Puji dan puja kepada ALLAH SWT, TUHAN pemilik kata-kata yang benar, indah dan tersusun. Selawat dan salam kepada Nabi MUHAMMAD SAW yang apabila berkata-kata bukan daripada nafsu tetapi segala-galanya berpandukan wahyu. Lalu, kata-katanya sentiasa singkat dan tepat.

Status of Occurrence of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in Western Johor Strait.


Johor Strait separates the island of Singapore from Peninsular Malaysia over a distance of about 50 km between the estuaries of Sungai Pulai to the west and Sungai Johor to the east. The strait is divided by the Causeway linking Singapore to mainland Malaysia. One of the concerns is the occurrence of cultural eutrophication and harmful algal blooms (HABs). Cultural eutrophication is caused by excessive nutrient inputs which lead to the proliferation of phytoplankton. Several problems may arise, including the depletion of dissolved oxygen as the plant biomass decays and/or the production of toxins from harmful algal blooms (HABs). The incidence of eutrophication of coastal waters in South East Asia has increased dramatically in recent years, coinciding with increases in loading from domestic and industrial effluents. For example, occurrences of harmful algal blooms have been reported in Hong Kong (Lam and Ho, 1989, Ho and Hodgkiss, 1995), Philippines (Estudillo et al., 1984, Bajarias and Relox, 1996), Brunei (Jaafar et al., (1989), Papua New Guinea (Maclean, 1989), Sabah in East Malaysia (Ting and Wong 1989) and possibly the Malacca Straits of West Malaysia (Usup et al., 2002) and Indonesia (Azanza and Taylor, 2001). The need to establish baseline characteristics and to understand the potential for eutrophication is particularly important for Singapore as it continues to expand its coastal developments.

A traditional technique was employed to determine the structure of the phytoplankton community such as extracted chlorophyll measurements, in addition to overall biomass levels. While field measurements are important for understanding baseline conditions and explaining past trends, they are not as useful for prediction. Thus, a numerical model should be developed to assist coastal managers in the assessment of eutrophication issues.

The Johor Strait to the north of Singapore Island is an even narrower channel, typically 1.8 km wide. The Johor causeway connects Malaysia and Singapore and divides the strait into the eastern and western parts. The causeway limits the flow of water and essentially divides the strait into two separate semi- enclosed water bodies, i.e., the West Johor Strait and East Johor Strait with the large Malaysian city of Johor Bahru situated along the northern shoreline.

The climate of Singapore is typically wet equatorial, with high temperatures and large amounts of rainfall throughout the year. Although the local climate is relatively uniform, it is modified by the Southeast Asian monsoon regime, which introduces variations in wind speed and direction, cloudiness, rain and dry seasons over the year. The North-East Monsoon period falls between December and February and is characterized by heavy rains and winds from the north-east. The South-West Monsoon, between the months of June and August, is the drier monsoon with winds driven from the south and south-west. The two Inter-Monsoon periods (March-May; September-November) are periods of relative calm with intermittent rains and weak and variable winds. The oceanic circulation patterns driven by the monsoon winds play an important role in determining the distribution of plankton and other environmental parameters in the Singapore and Johor Straits.

The first recorded survey of plankton in Singapore waters was undertaken in the 1950s (Tham, 1953); a dominance of diatoms in the Singapore Strait was observed, with higher concentrations found in the Inter-Monsoon period, between April and May (2,500 cells L-1). Similar concentrations were also found in the Johor Strait and this was attributed to inflows from the Singapore Strait to the Johor Strait. A later study by Chou and Chia (1991) also confirmed the dominance of diatoms but since then, there has been no published data on phytoplankton until recently. In the last six years, detailed studies of the dynamics and composition of the phytoplankton community were undertaken using a variety of methods, ranging from microscopy, size-fractionated chlorophyll, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to flow cytometry (Gin et al., 2000; Gin et al., 2003). These different approaches help to bring out the different features of the phytoplankton community.

Map of Singapore showing the locations of sampling sites 
in the Singapore Strait and Johor Strait.

Harmful Algal Blooms in Malaysian Waters


Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) event have been increasingly reported in the country, not only of the frequency and severity of the events, but also involved more species than previously known. Harmful algal blooms (HABs) events have been increasingly reported in the country, not only of the frequency and severity of the events, but also involved more species than previously known. In this paper, a decadal review of HABs events in Malaysia is summarized. Bloom events caused by harmful dinoflagellate species including the shellfish poisoning events were highlighted. Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) is no longer restricted to Sabah coasts and Pyrodnium bahamense. Bloom of Alexandrium minutum was reported for the first time in the Peninsula with six persons hospitalized including one casualty after consuming the contaminated benthic clams. Algal blooms that are associated with incidence of massive fish kills have been reported from both east and west coasts of the Peninsula in conjunction to finfish mariculture loses. The culprits of these bloom events have been identified as the dinoflagellates, Cochlodinium polykrikoides, Neoceratium furca, Prorocentrum minimum, Noctiluca scintillans and a raphidophyte, Chatonella ovata. In this paper, some of these HABs species were characterized morphologically and genetically, including their toxicity. Therefore, with the increase of coastal utilization and eutrophication, prevention, management and mitigation strategies, such as site selection, moving pens, clay spraying should be adopted to minimize the impact of these natural events.


Laporan kejadian ledakan alga berbahaya (HAB) yang kian meningkat bukan sahaja daripada segi kekerapan kejadian, tetapi juga melibatkan lebih banyak spesies yang tidak diketahui sebelumnya. Dalam kertas ini, pelbagai kejadian HAB pada dekad yang lepas telah dirumuskan. Kejadian ledakan akibat dinoflageat yang berbahaya dan keracunan kerang-kerangan juga dititik beratkan. Keracunan kerang-kerangan yang melumpuhkan (PSP) tidak lagi tertumpu hanya pada perairan Sabah dan Pyrodinium bahamense. Ledakan Alexandrium minutum telah dilaporkan untuk kali pertama di perairan Semenanjung dan menyebabkan enam mangsa keracunan akibat termakan lokan tercemar. Satu kes kematian direkodkan. Ledakan alga juga menyebabkan kejadian kematian ikan secara besar-besaran dan kerugian marikultur di perairan timur dan barat Semenanjung. Organisma penyebab kejadian tersebut telah dikenal pasti sebagai dinoflagelat; Chlocodinium polykrikoides, Prorocentrum minimum dan Noctiluca scintillans serta satu rafidofit; Chatonella ovata. Sebahagian daripada spesies HAB tersebut telah dikenal pasti secara morfologi, genetik dan toksisiti. Oleh itu, dengan peningkatan penggunaan perairan pantai dan proses eutrofikasi, strategi pencegahan, pengurusan dan mitigasi seperti pemilihan lokasi, pemindahan sangkar, penyemburan tanah liat harus diguna pakai dalam usaha meminimumkan impak kejadian semula jadi ini.


"Apabila berdepan dengan tekanan, kesulitan atau kegelisahan..
Carilah dan dekatkanlah dirimu dengan ALLAH..
dengan izinNYA kita akan beroleh ketenangan."

Ini aku. Ada kurangnya. Banyak lemahnya. Tidak pandai aku berpura-pura.. apatah lagi berlagak sempurna.

Untuk engkau, terima aku seadanya atau pergi sahaja jika tidak suka. Aku tidak akan memaksa kerana aku juga tidak suka dipaksa. 

Sungguh. Membentuk orang lain bagai bermain dengan ais. Lelah aku mengukir namun akhirnya ia tetap cair. Maaf. Harapanmu terlalu tinggi dan aku telah lelah mendaki. Lalu cukuplah sampai di sini. 

Biar aku dengan duniaku. 
Jangan diganggu.

#ALHAMDULILLAH.. Allah Tempat Meminta ..18-07-1437H | 26-04-2016M 10:58 SELASA

Sunday, April 24, 2016


Salam Mahabbah Fillah 17 Rejab 1437H.. Hari ISNIN yang ceria dan penuh kasih sayangNYA. Selangit Kasih, Segunung Sayang, Selaut Cinta di Muara RINDU buat sahabat fillah HATI EMAS yang dicintai kerana ALLAH.

Dengan lafaz BISMILLAH..lakaran Warkah Pengikat HATI EMAS ini dimulakan..buat peringatan diri yang serba kekhilafan ini.

ALHAMDULILLAH.. Terima kasih Ya ALLAH atas nikmat Ihsan, Iman dan Islam anugerah teragungMU Ya ALLAH..

Puji dan puja kepada ALLAH SWT, TUHAN pemilik kata-kata yang benar, indah dan tersusun. Selawat dan salam kepada Nabi MUHAMMAD SAW yang apabila berkata-kata bukan daripada nafsu tetapi segala-galanya berpandukan wahyu. Lalu, kata-katanya sentiasa singkat dan tepat.


"Tidak ada Tuhan kecuali ALLAH Yang Maha Esa.
Alangkah panasnya hari ini Ya ALLAH..
Lindungilah aku daripada panasnya api neraka."
(Hadis riwayat Ibnu Sunni)

#ALHAMDULILLAH.. Allah Tempat Meminta.. 17-07-1437H | 25-04-2016M 09:35 ISNIN

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Salam Mahabbah Fillah 12 Rejab 1437H.. Hari RABU yang ceria dan penuh kasih sayangNYA. Selangit Kasih, Segunung Sayang, Selaut Cinta di Muara RINDU buat sahabat fillah HATI EMAS yang dicintai kerana ALLAH.

Dengan lafaz BISMILLAH..lakaran Warkah Pengikat HATI EMAS ini dimulakan..buat peringatan diri yang serba kekhilafan ini.

ALHAMDULILLAH.. Terima kasih Ya ALLAH atas nikmat Ihsan, Iman dan Islam anugerah teragungMU Ya ALLAH..

Puji dan puja kepada ALLAH SWT, TUHAN pemilik kata-kata yang benar, indah dan tersusun. Selawat dan salam kepada Nabi MUHAMMAD SAW yang apabila berkata-kata bukan daripada nafsu tetapi segala-galanya berpandukan wahyu. Lalu, kata-katanya sentiasa singkat dan tepat.

Toxic tides: Risks from harmful microalgae

Home > News > Environment 
Monday, 7 April 2014

Harmful algal bloom, or red tide, off Sabah

There is a need to step up monitoring of our coastal waters for harmful algal blooms as they pose public safety concerns and economic risks.

ON the morning of Feb 11, fish farm operators in Tanjung Kupang, Johor, woke up to the ghastly sight of fish floating belly up in their pens in the Straits of Johor. In the days that followed, the fish kept dying.

The fish kill lasted two weeks, at the end of which commercially valuable stocks of snappers, estuary cods, seabass and threadfins in some nine farms were wiped out. One operator reported losses of RM150,000.

The mass mortality has since been blamed on a harmful algal bloom (HAB), or what is commonly referred to as red tide, a sudden population explosion of a toxin-producing microalgae.

While HABs are not often reported in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah is no stranger to the phenomenon. Its first HAB was reported in 1976 and this has been a fairly annual occurrence since. In January and February last year, shellfish poisoning claimed three lives and over 40 people fell ill in Sepanggar and Inanam, both near Kota Kinabalu, in the state’s worst case of HAB.

In fact, the Sabah Fisheries Department has not lifted its red tide alert which it had issued in October 2011. In January, following the sighting of reddish-brown waters off Kota Kinabalu, director Rayner Stuel Galid said the red tide warning was still in effect and the toxins which were detected for eight months of last year continued to be seen from Tuaran to Kuala Penyu.

These incidents of HABs may be signs of what’s to come. According to Universiti Malaya marine ecologist Dr Lim Po Teen, HABs are occurring more frequently and in more locations over the past decade, and involve previously unknown species.

Depending on the species, 
a sudden bloom of microalgae can turn sea water red, white, green, cloudy or foamy

In the Tanjung Kupang case, the offensive microalgae was identified as Karlodinium australe, which caught scientists by surprise. “This is the first time we are seeing a bloom of this species, which has never been reported as toxic,” says Dr Leaw Chui Pin, a marine molecular biologist who has worked on harmful microalgae for 14 years.

She says researchers conducted water sampling 10 days after the fish die-offs first happened, yet they still found a high density of the organism, between one million to two million per litre. She notes that the bloom affected even big fishes. Samples will be sent to their Japanese collaborators to measure the amount of toxins in the dead fish.

Leaw says scientists have characterised 40 species of harmful and potentially harmful microalgae in Malaysia, and foresee there may be more in our waters.

Water sampling in the Straits of Johor 
confirmed a bloom of the microalgae Karlodinium australe 
during the fish kills in Tanjung Kupang, Johor.

Noxious effects

Until 1990, problems related to paralytic shellfish poisoning were confined to the west coast of Sabah. In early 1991, it was recorded for the first time in Peninsular Malaysia when three people became ill after eating farmed mussels from Sebatu, Malacca. It was only years later that Alexandrium tamiyanavichi was confirmed as the toxin producer. Since then, HABs have been reported in various parts of the peninsula.

Microalgae inflict harm when they produce toxins which cause fish kills or which accumulate in shellfish, causing paralytic shellfish poisoning when the contaminated seafood is consumed by humans or marine mammals. Fish kills happen when the microalgae produce toxins which attack fish gills. This stalls the transportation of oxygen through the gills, hence suffocating the fish. Some toxins irritate the gills, triggering secretion of mucous which also lead to suffocation.

In 2001, six people in  Tumpat, Kelantan, were hospitalised and one of them died, 
after consuming shellfish contaminated with toxin from Alexandrium minutum.

Scientists say the term “red tide” is misleading as HABs do not just paint the water red; some turn the water cloudy, brown or foamy. The discolouration in the water is most visible in the morning. As the day warms up, the mass of microalgae will sink down to avoid extreme heat.

Not all algae blooms are harmful – even if it is red in colour. In Lumut, Perak and Penang, there have been blooms of Ceratium furca, which does not produce toxins although it has the characteristic red tide effect.

However, blooms of non-toxic microalgae can lead to fish die-offs too as the decomposition of the large mass can deplete the water of oxygen, creating hypoxic or anoxic conditions.

The sudden proliferation of microalgae is triggered by enrichment of waters (what is called eutrophication).

The increase in nutrients comes from land-based discharges such as fertiliser-laden runoffs from plantations and livestock farms, and sewage effluent.

“Harmful algal blooms are always related to increased activities in coastal areas,” says Lim, head of UM’s Bachok Marine Research Station in Kelantan.

Fuelling the growth

Natural upwelling can also release long-buried organic matter which enriches the water. Seabed dredging can also have the same effect. Lim points out that the algal bloom in Sabah last year coincided with the laying of water pipes on the sea bed between Kota Kinabalu and Pulau Gaya. Similarly, there was land reclamation work near the fish farms in Tanjung Kupang during the HAB.

Another source of coastal water enrichment is caged fish culture, especially when trash fish is used as feed.

“Any uneaten fish will quickly sink to the bottom and cause eutrophication. It is better to use feed that can stay suspended in the water column, instead of sinking very fast,” says Lim, who has researched on microalgae for 14 years.

Algae blooms tend to occur in sheltered places with restricted water movements, such as lagoons, ports and embayments. Sarawak does not have major problems with algae blooms due to strong tidal action which flushes the coastal waters.

Lim notes that shipping can transport harmful microalgae to distant places. This happens when ballast water, which may contain non-native species, is indiscriminately released in a foreign port. He says the species – Pyrodinium bahamense – that had caused paralytic shellfish poisoning in Sabah last year, has since been found at two sites in Peninsular Malaysia.

No paralytic shellfish poisoning was reported from Port Dickson, but Kuantan had one incident in November, although there was no fatality.

This species is very toxic and has always posed a problem for Sabah.

Because of its long history of red tides, the Sabah Fisheries Department has put in place surveillance of HABs. It involves regular water sampling and testing of molluscs and fish. If tests show over 400 mouse unit of the toxin per 100g of tissue, the shellfish cannot be sold.

No red tide warnings have ever been issued in Peninsular Malaysia since monitoring is almost non-existent and awareness on HABs, low. To avert the harmful and economically damaging effects of HABs, Lim says monitoring of our coastal waters has to be stepped up.

Currently, there is insufficient HAB scrutiny in Peninsular Malaysia, partly due to the lack of trained personnel. As such, the Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry and local scientists have organised training workshops on water sampling methods and identification of harmful microalgae (see note below).

Keep a lookout

Lim says more locations should be monitored, particularly sites with previously known HABs and those with fish and shellfish farms. One such place is Kuala Selangor, which has one of the largest cockle beds in the country.

He says the toxin-producing Gymnodinum catenatum has been detected there, although in low numbers.

This species can cause paralytic shellfish poisoning, but this has not been seen in Sabah, where it can also be found.

Our small and scattered seafood culture industry, however, is proving difficult to monitor. “The shellfish industry in New Zealand is big, so the producers there can afford to pay for regular testing. On the other hand, the value of mussels here is low, so how can the farmers pay for tests?” says Lim.

He asserts, though, that monitoring is crucial to ensure the safety of our seafood products for local consumption and export. In fact, Singapore has stopped imports of cockles from Kuala Selangor, citing a lack of proper monitoring of seafood safety. Fish farm operators should be aware of HABs in order to minimise risks. Lim says selection of mariculture sites based on previously known HABs cases and the ability to predict HABs will help them avoid unwanted losses. Sites with no record of potential harmful species and good water exchanges are preferable.

In a 2009 study on the Straits of Johor, researchers from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak and the Fisheries Research Institute found 11 microalgae species, with seven associated with blooms and harmful either as fish killers or toxin producers. The presence of these potentially harmful species should be considered in future expansion of aquaculture industry in the straits.

If a bloom does happen, fish farm operators can use plastic sheet skirtings to prevent the fish from direct contact with the harmful microalgae. In Japan, the use of moveable pens has been helpful. In the long run, however, the problem of enrichment of coastal waters has to be looked at.

“It all comes down to what we do on land,” says Dr Lim. A well-informed public will help ensure public safety. Once a warning on HAB has been announced, the public should avoid shellfish in the affected area. Symptoms of poisoning are seen within 30 to 60 minutes of consuming contaminated seafood.

The immediate signs are numbness or tingling of the lips and tongue, which spreads to the fingers and toes. Other symptoms are a sensation of lightness, salivation, intense thirst and temporary blindness. These symptoms are followed by a loss of muscular coordination, terminating in paralysis as well as inability to breathe. There is no known antidote for paralytic shellfish poisoning, so treatment is supportive, such as artificial respiration.

There will be a workshop on Systematic and Advanced Methodologies in Harmful Algae Monitoring on Aug 12-15 at the Bachok Marine Research Station in Bachok, Kelantan. The workshop is targeted at fisheries personnel and aquaculture farm operators. It will introduce new monitoring technology, techniques in field samplings, skills in qualitative and quantitive analyses, and options for future monitoring programmes.

The workshop is organised by the National Oceanography Directorate, the Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry, and Universiti Malaya.

#ALHAMDULILLAH.. Allah Tempat Meminta.. 12-07-1437H | 20-04-2016M 17:09 RABU

Monday, April 18, 2016


Salam Mahabbah Fillah 11 Rejab 1437H.. Hari SELASA yang ceria dan penuh kasih sayangNYA. Selangit Kasih, Segunung Sayang, Selaut Cinta di Muara RINDU buat sahabat fillah HATI EMAS yang dicintai kerana ALLAH.

Dengan lafaz BISMILLAH..lakaran Warkah Pengikat HATI EMAS ini dimulakan..buat peringatan diri yang serba kekhilafan ini.

ALHAMDULILLAH.. Terima kasih Ya ALLAH atas nikmat Ihsan, Iman dan Islam anugerah teragungMU Ya ALLAH..

Puji dan puja kepada ALLAH SWT, TUHAN pemilik kata-kata yang benar, indah dan tersusun. Selawat dan salam kepada Nabi MUHAMMAD SAW yang apabila berkata-kata bukan daripada nafsu tetapi segala-galanya berpandukan wahyu. Lalu, kata-katanya sentiasa singkat dan tepat.

Tiada yang mudah melainkan ENGKAU jadikannya mudah..
dan tiada kedukaan melainkan ENGKAU akan hilangkan..
Allahumma Aamiin Ya Rabbal 'Aalamiin.

PhD dan ICU..

Idea + Concept + Understanding

Clear + Consistent + Coherent


Dynamics of Dissolved Oxygen in the Bottom Layer 
in Inner Western Johor Strait

#ALHAMDULILLAH.. Allah Tempat Meminta .. 11-07-1437H | 19-04-2016M 09:19 SELASA

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Salam Mahabbah Fillah 10 Rejab 1437H.. Hari ISNIN yang ceria dan penuh kasih sayangNYA. Selangit Kasih, Segunung Sayang, Selaut Cinta di Muara RINDU buat sahabat fillah HATI EMAS yang dicintai kerana ALLAH.

Dengan lafaz BISMILLAH..lakaran Warkah Pengikat HATI EMAS ini dimulakan..buat peringatan diri yang serba kekhilafan ini.

ALHAMDULILLAH.. Terima kasih Ya ALLAH atas nikmat Ihsan, Iman dan Islam anugerah teragungMU Ya ALLAH..

Puji dan puja kepada ALLAH SWT, TUHAN pemilik kata-kata yang benar, indah dan tersusun. Selawat dan salam kepada Nabi MUHAMMAD SAW yang apabila berkata-kata bukan daripada nafsu tetapi segala-galanya berpandukan wahyu. Lalu, kata-katanya sentiasa singkat dan tepat.

Anugerahkanlah kami..
Sebuah HATI EMAS yang tidak pernah membenci..
Senyuman yang tidak pernah memudar..
Sentuhan yang tidak pernah menyakiti..
Kejujuran yang tidak pernah berhenti..
dan sebuah HATI EMAS yang mudah memaafkan..
Allahumma Aamiin Ya Rabbal 'Aalamiin.


Distribution of Hypoxia  and Eutrophication 
and Their Impacts on the Ecosystem in Inner Western Johor Strait

Hypoxia is a growing global problem.

#ALHAMDULILLAH.. Allah Tempat Meminta..10-07-1437H | 18-04-2016M 11:57 ISNIN

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Salam Mahabbah Fillah 6 Rejab 1437H.. Hari KHAMIS yang ceria dan penuh kasih sayangNYA. Selangit Kasih, Segunung Sayang, Selaut Cinta di Muara RINDU buat sahabat fillah HATI EMAS yang dicintai kerana ALLAH.

Dengan lafaz BISMILLAH..lakaran Warkah Pengikat HATI EMAS ini dimulakan..buat peringatan diri yang serba kekhilafan ini.

ALHAMDULILLAH.. Terima kasih Ya ALLAH atas nikmat Ihsan, Iman dan Islam anugerah teragungMU Ya ALLAH..

Puji dan puja kepada ALLAH SWT, TUHAN pemilik kata-kata yang benar, indah dan tersusun. Selawat dan salam kepada Nabi MUHAMMAD SAW yang apabila berkata-kata bukan daripada nafsu tetapi segala-galanya berpandukan wahyu. Lalu, kata-katanya sentiasa singkat dan tepat.

Panjangkanlah usiaku..
agar lebih lama dapat aku mentaati-MU..
Jadikanlah kehidupanku ini  sebagai ladang..
Moga di akhirat kelak ku mengutip hasilnya..
Tambahkanlah amalanku di saat bertambah usiaku..
Jadikanlah cahaya-MU bersinar menyinari jalanku..
Kalimah-MU zikirku..
sebagai tanda ingatanku pada-MU..
Jangan ENGKAU sia-siakan aku..
hamba yang sentiasa mengharap tempat rehat dan nikmat abadi..
Allahumma Aamiin Ya Rabbal 'Aalamiin.


Characterization of Spatial and Temporal Variability in Inner Western Johor Strait, Malaysia
Maznah Ismail, Noor Baharim Hashim and Ziba Kazemi
Faculty of Civil Engineering UTM Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 81310 UTM JB, Malaysia


Charaterization of changes in inner Western Johor Strait (WJS) of monitoring works was sucessfully carried out. Eight water quality data sets collected in this area from Second Link to Causeway Link. We used an extensive dissolved oxygen (DO) data set to develop a statistically meaningful way of estimating mean DO from discrete measurements in inner WJS. Relationships among bottom water DO, vertical stratification, and the factors responsible for stratification-destratification  in this narrow stretch of water along the WJS with some recent continuous monitoring data. Therefore, it is imperative that the environmental of reclamation and dredging works, municipal or industrial discharge, marine aquaculture and shipping activities in this area be effectively controlled and managed.


Bottom hypoxia has emerged as one of the key environmental consequences of eutrophication in coastal areas worldwide. Its formation, severity, frequency and duration are governed not only by anthropogenic nutrient inputs, but also by a combination of physical, chemical and biological processes. This study focused mainly on physical parameters such as light penetration, spring versus neap tidal effect, and effect of water depth on bottom DO dynamics. The main parameters of water quality include temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and turbidity that are identified to effect on fish distribution (Blaber and Blaber, 1980). Sub stream heterogeneous, sediment characteristics, and also vegetation affect fish distribution through their influence on catch availability (Marchand, 1993) and protection from fisherman and predators (Blaber and Blaber, 1980). 


Data from intensive surveys of WJS were made to establish 8 vertical profiling stations. The measurements in this study were made with Yellow Springs Incorporated (YSI) sensors and sondes. Vertical profiles was collected and identified by distance from Second Link to Causeway Link. All sampling stations were located at the middle of navigation channels. At each station, temperature, conductivity, salinity and DO were sampled at every one meter from surface to bottom during spring and neap tide.

Study Area

Johor Strait is located along the south shore of Peninsular Malaysia. Presently, there are land use activities for major development near the coastal zones of the Johor Strait. The land use regions generate both non point and point sources of contaminants. Metals, nutrients, industrial organic chemicals, and pesticides are the main contaminants in the Johor Strait because of the human activities in the agriculture and chemical industry sectors. As zone of vegetation are progressively utilized as agriculture and urban, it is significant to evaluate the impact of these changes in the water quality. The contamination of the natural environment by toxic chemicals could have bad impacts on the health of human and wildlife by way of bioaccumulation. Throughout the years, the coast of Johor Strait that acts as a boundary between Singapore and Malaysia is being polluted by contaminants from tributaries of the Sungai Melayu, Sungai Skudai, Sungai Bahan and Sungai Perpat (Azman et al., 2012). 

Results and Discussion

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) is one of the essential environmental paramaters sustaining all aquatic life. DO has been traditionally used as one of the ecological indicators for examining any short-term water quality changes in the marine ecosystem (Engle et al., 1999).

Figure A
Vertical section of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) 
with data collected at  spring tide on March 1, 2012.

Figure A shows the typical structure along the Western Johor Strait. Each dot in the vertical section represents a point in a grid along the Western Johor Strait where dissolved oxygen (DO) measurements were made. From these data we calculated the area weighted mean DO.

Figure A shows higher DO in the surface layer and the low DO in the deeper layer near Causeway Link station area. Oxygen depletion occurs near Causeway Link, which are station WQ07 and WQ08. As shown in Figure A, DO concentration in surface layer is high but at the bottom layer become less than 2 mg/l because there is no any current of water near the stations. The presence of the causeway that has caused the blockage of the normal flow of the Western Johor Strait and led to the propagation of a standing wave with no flow at the causeway has aggravated the situation (Kuo, et al., 1991). However, in other stations from Second Link to Sungai Skudai estuary, the higher correlation in the upper layers is no doubt because those waters are uniformly responding to air fluxes that have large spatial scales.


While oxygen depletion is not the only environmental issue of concern along the Western Johor Strait (WJS), it is certainly one of the most important. There are potential links between low oxygen and kills of fish and commercially valuable shellfish. Field observations indicated that bottom DO concentrations decreased when neap tidal events occurred. Limited water exchange with open ocean in semi enclosed intertidal water of WJS which increased in flushing time and created a lot of anthropogenic pollutants via riverine inputs. In this period, stratification was still present and the vertical mixing was suppressed, which suggests that the DO supply in the bottom layer due to coastal water intrusion accompanied by estuarine circulation. 

#ALHAMDULILLAH.. Allah Tempat Meminta..06-07-1437H | 14-04-2016M 09:52 KHAMIS

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Salam Mahabbah Fillah 5 Rejab 1437H.. Hari RABU yang ceria dan penuh kasih sayangNYA. Selangit Kasih, Segunung Sayang, Selaut Cinta di Muara RINDU buat sahabat fillah HATI EMAS yang dicintai kerana ALLAH.

Dengan lafaz BISMILLAH..lakaran Warkah Pengikat HATI EMAS ini dimulakan..buat peringatan diri yang serba kekhilafan ini.

ALHAMDULILLAH.. Terima kasih Ya ALLAH atas nikmat Ihsan, Iman dan Islam anugerah teragungMU Ya ALLAH..

Puji dan puja kepada ALLAH SWT, TUHAN pemilik kata-kata yang benar, indah dan tersusun. Selawat dan salam kepada Nabi MUHAMMAD SAW yang apabila berkata-kata bukan daripada nafsu tetapi segala-galanya berpandukan wahyu. Lalu, kata-katanya sentiasa singkat dan tepat.

Teduhkanlah wajahku
Lembutkanlah  bicaraku
Anggunkanlah peribadiku
Sihatkanlah tubuh badanku
Allahumma Aamiin Ya Rabbal 'Aalamiin


Estimating the Mean Temperature and Salinity of 
the Chesapeake Bay Mouth (2002)

Management of estuaries of great societal importance such as the Chesapeake Bay depends on analysis of changing conditions and the effectiveness of management decisions. The analysis of estuarine conditions often must reduce complicated data and processes down to manageable indices such as mean temperature and salinity. The mean temperature and salinity of an estuary is a useful concept that expresses other higher level processes such as heat exchange, run-off, and interchange with the adjacent ocean.

Vertical sections of temperature and salinity constructed with data collected at high spring tide.

:: A section across the Bay mouth shows the typical structure of an estuary with a wide mouth where Coriolis force becomes important. 

:: Note the high salinity in the deeper parts of the channels and on the northern side where inflow predominates and the low salinity surface layer on the south side where outflow predominates.

:: In this case temperatures are lower over the shoals and in the deeper parts of channels.

:: Each dot in the vertical section represents a point in a grid across the Chesapeake Bay mouth where temperature and salinity measurements were made. 

#ALHAMDULILLAH.. Allah Tempat Meminta .. 05-07-1437H | 13-04-2016M 09:50 RABU

Saturday, April 9, 2016


Salam Mahabbah Fillah 2 Rejab 1437H.. Hari AHAD yang ceria dan penuh kasih sayangNYA. Selangit Kasih, Segunung Sayang, Selaut Cinta di Muara RINDU buat sahabat fillah HATI EMAS yang dicintai kerana ALLAH.

Dengan lafaz BISMILLAH..lakaran Warkah Pengikat HATI EMAS ini dimulakan..buat peringatan diri yang serba kekhilafan ini.

ALHAMDULILLAH.. Terima kasih Ya ALLAH atas nikmat Ihsan, Iman dan Islam anugerah teragungMU Ya ALLAH..

Puji dan puja kepada ALLAH SWT, TUHAN pemilik kata-kata yang benar, indah dan tersusun. Selawat dan salam kepada Nabi MUHAMMAD SAW yang apabila berkata-kata bukan daripada nafsu tetapi segala-galanya berpandukan wahyu. Lalu, kata-katanya sentiasa singkat dan tepat.

RAMADHAN 57 Hari Lagi.

Apapun yang terjadi hari ini,
tetaplah damaikan hati anda.
Rencana ALLAH 
selalu lebih baik daripada rencana anda,
sehingga hadirnya kesulitan 
adalah cara ALLAH untuk menguatkan anda.
Lalui saja dengan SABAR.
Tetaplah berharapan baik.

Doakan, supaya  suatu hari nanti kita disatukan.
Dan aku akan mampu melihatmu dari dekat,
apabila akad menjadi tanggungjawab.


Seasonal hypoxia and its potential forming mechanisms 
in the Mirs Bay, the northern South China Sea

Temporal and spatial distribution of dissolved oxygen 
in the Pearl River Estuary and adjacent coastal waters


Factors Contributing to Hypoxia in the Minjiang River Estuary, Southeast China (2015)

Hydrography and nutrient dynamics in the Northern South China Sea Shelf-sea (NoSoCS) (2015)

Seasonal hypoxia and its potential forming mechanisms in the Mirs Bay, the northern South China Sea (Li, Xu-Lu; Shi, Hua-Ming; Xia, Hua-Yong; et al., 2014)

Different hydrodynamic processes regulated on water quality (nutrients, dissolved oxygen, and phytoplankton biomass) in three contrasting waters of Hong Kong (2014)

Spatial and Seasonal Variations of Nutrients in Sediment Profiles and Their Sediment-Water Fluxes in the Pearl River Estuary, Southern China (2014)

Influence of hydrological regime of an Andean river on salinity, temperature and oxygen in a Patagonia fjord, Chile (2013)

Multi-scale spatial determinants of dissolved oxygen and nutrients in Qiantang River, China (2013)

Recent oxygen depletion in the Pearl River Estuary, South China: geochemical and microfaunal evidence (2012)

Spatial and Temporal Trends in Water Quality in Response to Sewage Discharge in Masan and Hangam Bays, Korea (Jang, Pung-Guk; Shin, Kyoungsoon; Chang, Man; et al., 2011)

Influence of Physical Forcing on Bottom-Water Dissolved Oxygen within Caloosahatchee River Estuary, Florida (Xia, Meng; Craig, Paul M.; Schaeffer, Blake; et al., 2010)

Monitoring of oxygen condition in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, Portugal (2010)

Effects of physical and biochemical processes on the dissolved oxygen budget for the Pearl River Estuary during summer (2010)

Investigating the Impacts of Landuse-landcover (LULC) Change in the Pearl River Delta Region on Water Quality in the Pearl River Estuary and Hong Kong's Coast (2009)

Modeling changes in the coastal ecosystem of the Pearl River Estuary from 1981 to 1998 (2009)

Modeling the mass fluxes and transformations of nutrients in the Pearl River Delta, China (2009)

Hydromorphological mechanisms leading to hypoxia off the Changjiang estuary (2009)

A preliminary study of variations of the Changjiang Diluted Water between August of 1999 and 2006 (2009)

Temporal responses of coastal hypoxia to nutrient loading and physical controls (2009)

Effect of Wind and Rainfall on Water Exchange in a Stratified Estuary (2009)

Dissolved oxygen stratification in two micro-tidal partially-mixed estuaries (2006)

Effects of hypoxia on early life history of the stomatopod Oratosquilla oratoria in a coastal sea (2006)

Real time observations of coastal algal blooms by an early warning system (2005)

#ALHAMDULILLAH.. Allah Tempat Meminta.. 02-07-1437H | 10-04-2016M 10:30 AHAD